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Webinar - Using Requirements as an Enterprise Asset: A Discussion on Reuse

Azure DevOps is an incredible platform that provides a single source of truth. For many teams, that statement alone is enough to consider using the world’s leading ALM platform for their requirements management. Being able to tie development tasks to requirements, and those to Test Cases is hard to pass up. But what if you don’t need all of the features of a full ALM platform? What if you only need a solution for your Requirements Management needs? You can use all of the rich features of Modern Requirements4DevOps to turn your Azure DevOps project into a full-featured Requirements Management solution. One of these features is the ability to reuse requirements across different projects, collections, and servers using the Modern Requirements4DevOps Reuse tool. In this webinar, you will learn several techniques for requirements reuse. You will see how reuse can be achieved by managing an enterprise library, using Smart Docs templates, and reusing requirements in their current state.

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